Saturday, February 8, 2025

credit sequences blog

    This is the third blog of the second week, and todays blog I will be about analyzing three credit sequences in this case from the films I picked last time that are on the first blog of this week, and discussing the mood, tension, and themes on each one.


For this film I've already researched a bit and it is the same genre im interested in, psychological thriller. This one matches perfectly with the genre, The hand-written looking font was used to create a feeling of unsettledness, the images distorting and glitching, many close ups and all of that focusing on giving a mysterious and anxious/suspense vibe. The person is  an unknown figure keeping as a secret for us to find out later when watching the entire film creating mystery and engagement.

gone girl

This film I feel like its way simpler compared to se7en, the font is neat and looks more formal not giving a specific mood, made it look organized. More shots included and  a lot of narration on this sequence, which made everything more explained and detailed for a better understanding of the context. The clips were short but created mystery and also made me want to understand the meaning of each scene.  I feel that if I had to pick a tone for this it would be unease.

The girl with the dragon tattoo

Very dark themed sequence with a lot of visual stuff such as figures, like the robot and technology like cables, abstract images throughout the whole opening gives vibes of the transformation of something, the figure is suffocated by a substance, all of this giving a vibe of chaos and it confuses you, making you want to actually understand the meaning behind.

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